Source code for getml.pipeline.plots

# Copyright 2022 The SQLNet Company GmbH
# This file is licensed under the Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2).
# Refer to the LICENSE.txt file in the root of the repository
# for details.

Custom class for handling the plots of a pipeline.

import json
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

import numpy as np

import getml.communication as comm

[docs]class Plots: """ Custom class for handling the plots generated by the pipeline. Example: .. code-block:: python recall, precision = my_pipeline.plots.precision_recall_curve() fpr, tpr = my_pipeline.plots.roc_curve() """ # ---------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError("'name' must be a str.") = name # ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def lift_curve(self, target_num: int = 0) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns the data for the lift curve, as displayed in the getML monitor. This requires that you call :meth:`~getml.Pipeline.score` first. The data used for the curve will always be the data from the *last* time you called :meth:`~getml.Pipeline.score`. Args: target_num (int): Indicates for which target you want to plot the lift curve. (Pipelines can have more than one target.) Return: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`): - The first array is the proportion of samples, usually displayed on the x-axis. - The second array is the lift, usually displayed on the y-axis. """ cmd: Dict[str, Any] = {} cmd["type_"] = "Pipeline.lift_curve" cmd["name_"] = cmd["target_num_"] = target_num with comm.send_and_get_socket(cmd) as sock: msg = comm.recv_string(sock) if msg != "Success!": comm.engine_exception_handler(msg) msg = comm.recv_string(sock) json_obj = json.loads(msg) return (np.asarray(json_obj["proportion_"]), np.asarray(json_obj["lift_"]))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def precision_recall_curve( self, target_num: int = 0 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns the data for the precision-recall curve, as displayed in the getML monitor. This requires that you call :meth:`~getml.Pipeline.score` first. The data used for the curve will always be the data from the *last* time you called :meth:`~getml.Pipeline.score`. Args: target_num (int): Indicates for which target you want to plot the lift curve. (Pipelines can have more than one target.) Return: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`): - The first array is the recall (a.k.a. true postive rate), usually displayed on the x-axis. - The second array is the precision, usually displayed on the y-axis. """ cmd: Dict[str, Any] = {} cmd["type_"] = "Pipeline.precision_recall_curve" cmd["name_"] = cmd["target_num_"] = target_num with comm.send_and_get_socket(cmd) as sock: msg = comm.recv_string(sock) if msg != "Success!": comm.engine_exception_handler(msg) msg = comm.recv_string(sock) json_obj = json.loads(msg) return (np.asarray(json_obj["tpr_"]), np.asarray(json_obj["precision_"]))
# ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def roc_curve(self, target_num: int = 0) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns the data for the ROC curve, as displayed in the getML monitor. This requires that you call :meth:`~getml.Pipeline.score` first. The data used for the curve will always be the data from the *last* time you called :meth:`~getml.Pipeline.score`. Args: target_num (int): Indicates for which target you want to plot the lift curve. (Pipelines can have more than one target.) Return: (:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`): - The first array is the false positive rate, usually displayed on the x-axis. - The second array is the true positive rate, usually displayed on the y-axis. """ cmd: Dict[str, Any] = {} cmd["type_"] = "Pipeline.roc_curve" cmd["name_"] = cmd["target_num_"] = target_num with comm.send_and_get_socket(cmd) as sock: msg = comm.recv_string(sock) if msg != "Success!": comm.engine_exception_handler(msg) msg = comm.recv_string(sock) json_obj = json.loads(msg) return (np.asarray(json_obj["fpr_"]), np.asarray(json_obj["tpr_"]))