Source code for getml.engine.helpers

# Copyright 2022 The SQLNet Company GmbH
# This file is licensed under the Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2).
# Refer to the LICENSE.txt file in the root of the repository
# for details.

Contains various helper functions related to the getML engine.

import json
import socket
from typing import Dict

import getml.communication as comm
from getml.communication import (

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[docs]def delete_project(name): """Deletes a project. Args: name (str): Name of your project. Note: All data and models contained in the project directory will be permanently lost. """ _delete_project(name)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_engine_alive(): """Checks if the getML engine is running. Returns: bool: True if the getML engine is running and ready to accept commands and False otherwise. """ cmd: Dict[str, str] = {} cmd["type_"] = "is_alive" cmd["name_"] = "" sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect(("localhost", comm.port)) except ConnectionRefusedError: return False comm.send_string(sock, json.dumps(cmd)) sock.close() return True # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # define compatability alias is_alive = is_engine_alive # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def list_projects(): """ List all projects on the getML engine. Returns: List[str]: Lists the name all of the projects. """ return _list_projects_impl(running_only=False)
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[docs]def list_running_projects(): """ List all projects on the getML engine that are currently running. Returns: List[str]: Lists the name all of the projects currently running. """ return _list_projects_impl(running_only=True)
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[docs]def set_project(name): """Creates a new project or loads an existing one. If there is no project called `name` present on the engine, a new one will be created. Args: name (str): Name of the new project. """ _set_project(name)
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[docs]def shutdown(): """Shuts down the getML engine. Note: All changes applied to the :class:`~getml.DataFrame` after calling their :meth:`` method will be lost. """ _shutdown()
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[docs]def suspend_project(name): """Suspends a project that is currently running. Args: name (str): Name of your project. """ _suspend_project(name)
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