Provides functionalities for uploading, handling, and retrieving data from the getML engine.

All data relevant for the getML suite has to be present in the getML engine. Its Python API itself does not store any of the data used for training or prediction. Instead, it provides a handler class for the data frame objects in the getML engine, the DataFrame. Either using this overall handler for the underlying data set or the individual columns its composed of, one can both upload and retrieve data from the engine as well as performing operations on them. In addition to the data frame objects, the engine also uses an abstract and light weight version of the underlying data model, which is represented by the Placeholder.

In general, working with data within the getML suite is organized in three different steps.


Creating a new data frame object in the getML engine and uploading data is done by one the class methods from_csv(), from_db(), from_json(), or from_pandas().

In this example we chose to directly load data from a public database in the internet. But, firstly, we have to connect the getML engine to the database (see MySQL interface in the user guide for further details).


Using the established connection, we can tell the engine to construct a new data frame object called ‘df_loan’, fill it with the data of ‘loan’ table contained in the MySQL database, and return a DataFrame handler associated with it.

loan ='loan', 'df_loan')

| loan_id      | account_id   | amount       | duration     | date          | payments      | status        |
| unused float | unused float | unused float | unused float | unused string | unused string | unused string |
| 4959         | 2            | 80952        | 24           | 1994-01-05    | 3373.00       | A             |
| 4961         | 19           | 30276        | 12           | 1996-04-29    | 2523.00       | B             |
| 4962         | 25           | 30276        | 12           | 1997-12-08    | 2523.00       | A             |
| 4967         | 37           | 318480       | 60           | 1998-10-14    | 5308.00       | D             |
| 4968         | 38           | 110736       | 48           | 1998-04-19    | 2307.00       | C             |

In order to construct the data model and for the feature engineering algorithm to get the most out of your data, you have to assign roles to columns using the set_role() method (see Annotating data for details).

loan.set_role(["duration", "amount"],
loan.set_role(["loan_id", "account_id"],

| date                        | loan_id  | account_id | default | payments  | duration  | amount    | status        |
| time stamp                  | join key | join key   | target  | numerical | numerical | numerical | unused string |
| 1994-01-05T00:00:00.000000Z | 4959     | 2          | 0       | 3373      | 24        | 80952     | A             |
| 1996-04-29T00:00:00.000000Z | 4961     | 19         | 1       | 2523      | 12        | 30276     | B             |
| 1997-12-08T00:00:00.000000Z | 4962     | 25         | 0       | 2523      | 12        | 30276     | A             |
| 1998-10-14T00:00:00.000000Z | 4967     | 37         | 1       | 5308      | 60        | 318480    | D             |
| 1998-04-19T00:00:00.000000Z | 4968     | 38         | 0       | 2307      | 48        | 110736    | C             |

Finally, we are able to construct the data model by deriving Placeholder from each DataFrame and establishing relations between them using the join() method.

# But, first, we need second data set to build a data model.
trans =
    'trans', 'df_trans',
    roles = { ["amount", "balance"],
    ["type", "bank", "k_symbol",
                                            "account", "operation"],

ph_loan = loan.to_placeholder()
ph_trans = trans.to_placeholder()

ph_loan.join(ph_trans, join_key="account_id",

The data model contained in ph_loan can now be used to construct either a MultirelModel or a RelboostModel to start with the feature engineering. These models themselves are agnostic to the actual data, which is not required until the actual training and prediction. For the full analysis of the loans data set please see the corresponding tutorial.



Retrieves a DataFrame handler of data in the getML engine.


Lists all available data frames of the project.


DataFrame(name[, roles])

Handler for the data stored in the getML engine.

Placeholder(name[, categorical, numerical, …])

Schematic representation of tables and their relations