
Placeholder.join(right, on: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, str], List[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]]]] = None, time_stamps: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]] = None, relationship: str = 'many-to-many', memory: Optional[float] = None, horizon: Optional[float] = None, lagged_targets: bool = False, upper_time_stamp: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Joins another to placeholder to this placeholder.

right (Placeholder):

The placeholder you would like to join.

on (None, string, Tuple[str, str] or List[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]]):

The join keys to use. If none is passed, then everything will be joined to everything else.

time_stamps (string or Tuple[str, str]):

The time stamps used to limit the join.

relationship (str):

The relationship between the two tables. Must be from relationship.

memory (float):

The difference between the time stamps until data is ‘forgotten’. Limiting your joins using memory can significantly speed up training time. Also refer to time.

horizon (float):

The prediction horizon to apply to this join. Also refer to time.

lagged_targets (bool):

Whether you want to allow lagged targets. If this is set to True, you must also pass a positive, non-zero horizon.

upper_time_stamp (str):

Name of a time stamp in right that serves as an upper limit on the join.