# Copyright 2022 The SQLNet Company GmbH
# This file is licensed under the Elastic License 2.0 (ELv2).
# Refer to the LICENSE.txt file in the root of the repository
# for details.
Reads data into an sqlite3 table.
import sqlite3
from .helpers import _get_num_columns, _log
[docs]def read_list(conn, table_name, data):
Reads data into an sqlite3 table.
A sqlite3 connection created by :func:`~getml.sqlite3.connect`.
table_name (str):
The name of the table to write to.
data (List[List[Object]]):
The data to insert into the table.
Every list represents one row to be read into the table.
# ------------------------------------------------------------
if not isinstance(conn, sqlite3.Connection):
raise TypeError("'conn' must be an sqlite3.Connection object")
if not isinstance(table_name, str):
raise TypeError("'table_name' must be a string")
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise TypeError("'data' must be a list of lists")
# ------------------------------------------------------------
ncols = _get_num_columns(conn, table_name)
old_length = len(data)
data = [line for line in data if len(line) == ncols]
placeholders = "(" + ",".join(["?"] * ncols) + ")"
query = 'INSERT INTO "' + table_name + '" VALUES ' + placeholders
conn.executemany(query, data)
"Read "
+ str(len(data))
+ " lines. "
+ str(old_length - len(data))
+ " invalid lines."