
getml.feature_learning.aggregations.mapping = _Aggregations(All=['AVG', 'COUNT', 'COUNT ABOVE MEAN', 'COUNT BELOW MEAN', 'COUNT DISTINCT', 'COUNT DISTINCT OVER COUNT', 'COUNT MINUS COUNT DISTINCT', 'KURTOSIS', 'MAX', 'MEDIAN', 'MIN', 'MODE', 'NUM MAX', 'NUM MIN', 'Q1', 'Q5', 'Q10', 'Q25', 'Q75', 'Q90', 'Q95', 'Q99', 'SKEW', 'STDDEV', 'SUM', 'VAR', 'VARIATION COEFFICIENT'], Default=['AVG'], Minimal=['AVG'])

Set of default aggregations for Mapping. All contains all aggregations supported by the mapping preprocessor. Default and Minimal are identical and include only the AVG aggregation, which is the recommended setting for classification problems.