Source code for

# Copyright 2021 The SQLNet Company GmbH

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Handlers for 1-d arrays storing the data of an individual variable.

Like the :class:``, the
:mod:`` do not contain any actual data themselves
but are only handlers to objects within the getML engine. These
containers store data of a single variable in a one-dimensional array
of an uniform type.

Columns are *immutable* and *lazily evaluated*.

- *Immutable* means that there are no in-place
  operation on the columns. Any change to the column
  will return a new, changed column.

- *Lazy evaluation* means that operations won't be
  executed until results are required. This is reflected
  in the *virtual columns*: Virtual columns do not exist
  until they are required.


.. code-block:: python

    import numpy as np

    import as data
    import getml.engine as engine
    import as roles

    # ----------------


    # ----------------
    # Create a data frame from a JSON string

    json_str = \"\"\"{
        "names": ["patrick", "alex", "phil", "ulrike"],
        "column_01": [2.4, 3.0, 1.2, 1.4],
        "join_key": ["0", "1", "2", "3"],
        "time_stamp": ["2019-01-01", "2019-01-02", "2019-01-03", "2019-01-04"]

    my_df = data.DataFrame(
        "MY DF",
            "unused_string": ["names", "join_key", "time_stamp"],
            "unused_float": ["column_01"]}

    # ----------------

    col1 = my_df["column_01"]

    # ----------------

    # col2 is a virtual column.
    # The operation is not executed yet.
    col2 = 2.0 - col1

    # This is when '2.0 - col1' is actually
    # executed.
    my_df["column_02"] = col2
    my_df.set_role("column_02", roles.numerical)

    # If you want to update column_01,
    # you can't do that in-place.
    # You need to replace it with a new column
    col1 = col1 + col2
    my_df["column_01"] = col1
    my_df.set_role("column_01", roles.numerical)


import copy
import datetime
import json
import numbers
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

import getml.communication as comm
import getml.constants as constants
from getml.utilities.formatting import _ColumnFormatter

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class _Column:
    Base object not meant to be called directly.

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __init__(self):
        self.thisptr = dict()

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _format(self):

        formatted = _ColumnFormatter(self)

        return formatted

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _collect_footer_data(self):
        if type(self).__name__.startswith("Virtual"):
            footer = namedtuple("footer", ["n_rows", "type"])

            return footer(

        footer = namedtuple("footer", ["n_rows", "data_frame", "type", "url"])

        return footer(

    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    def monitor_url(self):
        return (
            + "getcolumn/"
            + comm._get_project_name()
            + "/"
            + self.thisptr["df_name_"]
            + "/"
            + "/"

    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    def name(self):
        The role of this column.
        return self.thisptr["name_"]

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def role(self):
        The role of this column.

        Roles are needed by the feature learning algorithm so it knows how
        to treat the columns.
        return self.thisptr["role_"]

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def unit(self):
        The unit of this column.

        Units are used to determine which columns can be compared to each other
        by the feature learning algorithms.

        # -------------------------------------------
        # Build command string

        cmd = dict()


        cmd["type_"] += ".get_unit"

        # -------------------------------------------
        # Send JSON command to engine

        sock = comm.send_and_receive_socket(cmd)

        # -------------------------------------------
        # Make sure everything went well

        msg = comm.recv_string(sock)

        if msg != "Success!":

        # -------------------------------------------

        unit = comm.recv_string(sock)

        return unit

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Aggregation: """ Lazily evaluated aggregation over a column. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> my_data_frame["my_column"].avg().get() 3.0 """ def __init__(self, alias, col, agg_type): self.thisptr = dict() self.thisptr["as_"] = alias self.thisptr["col_"] = col.thisptr self.thisptr["type_"] = agg_type # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return str(self) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__(self): val = self.get() return self.thisptr["type_"].upper() + " aggregation, value: " + str(val) + "." # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get(self): """ Receives the value of the aggregation over the column. """ # ------------------------------------------- # Build command string cmd = dict() cmd["name_"] = "" cmd["type_"] = "FloatColumn.aggregate" cmd["aggregation_"] = self.thisptr cmd["df_name_"] = self.thisptr["col_"]["df_name_"] # ------------------------------------------- # Create connection and send the command sock = comm.send_and_receive_socket(cmd) msg = comm.recv_string(sock) # ------------------------------------------- # Make sure everything went well, receive data # and close connection if msg != "Success!": sock.close() comm.engine_exception_handler(msg) mat = comm.recv_matrix(sock) # ------------------------------------------- # Close connection. sock.close() # ------------------------------------------- return mat.ravel()[0]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class VirtualBooleanColumn: """ Handle to a (lazily evaluated) virtual boolean column. Virtual columns do not actually exist - they will be lazily evaluated when necessary. They can be used to take subselection of the data frame or to update other columns. Example: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import as data import getml.engine as engine import as roles # ---------------- engine.set_project("examples") # ---------------- # Create a data frame from a JSON string json_str = \"\"\"{ "names": ["patrick", "alex", "phil", "ulrike"], "column_01": [2.4, 3.0, 1.2, 1.4], "join_key": ["0", "1", "2", "3"], "time_stamp": ["2019-01-01", "2019-01-02", "2019-01-03", "2019-01-04"] }\"\"\" my_df = data.DataFrame( "MY DF", roles={ "unused_string": ["names", "join_key", "time_stamp"], "unused_float": ["column_01"]} ).read_json( json_str ) # ---------------- names = my_df["names"] # This is a virtual boolean column. a_or_p_in_names = names.contains("p") | names.contains("a") # Creates another data frame containing # only those entries, where "names" contains a or p. my_other_df = my_df.where("MY OTHER DF", a_or_p_in_names) # ---------------- # Returns a new column, where all names # containing "rick" are replaced by "Patrick". # Again, columns are immutable - this returns an updated # version, but leaves the original column unchanged. new_names = names.update(names.contains("rick"), "Patrick") my_df["new_names"] = new_names # ---------------- # Boolean columns can also be used to # create binary target variables. target = (names == "phil") my_df["target"] = target my_df.set_role(target, # By the way, instead of using the # __setitem__ operator and .set_role(...) # you can just use .add(...). my_df.add(target, "target", """ def __init__(self, df_name, operator, operand1, operand2): self.thisptr = dict() self.thisptr["df_name_"] = df_name self.thisptr["type_"] = "VirtualBooleanColumn" self.thisptr["operator_"] = operator self.thisptr["operand1_"] = self._parse_operand(operand1) if operand2 is not None: self.thisptr["operand2_"] = self._parse_operand(operand2) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __and__(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="and", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __eq__(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="equal_to", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __invert__(self): return self.is_false() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __or__(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="or", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __ne__(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="not_equal_to", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __xor__(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="xor", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parse_operand(self, operand): if isinstance(operand, bool): return {"type_": "BooleanValue", "value_": operand} if isinstance(operand, str): return {"type_": "CategoricalValue", "value_": operand} if isinstance(operand, numbers.Number): return {"type_": "Value", "value_": operand} if isinstance(operand, np.datetime64): val = np.datetime64(operand).astype("datetime64[s]").astype(np.float) return {"type_": "Value", "value_": val} if not hasattr(operand, "thisptr"): raise TypeError( """Operand for a VirtualBooleanColumn must be a boolean, string, a number, a numpy.datetime64 or a!""" ) if self.thisptr["operator_"] in ["and", "or", "not", "xor"]: if operand.thisptr["type_"] != "VirtualBooleanColumn": raise TypeError("This operator can only be applied to a BooleanColumn!") return operand.thisptr # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def to_numpy(self): """ Transform column to numpy array """ # ------------------------------------------- # Build command string cmd = dict() cmd["name_"] = self.thisptr["df_name_"] cmd["type_"] = "BooleanColumn.get" cmd["col_"] = self.thisptr # ------------------------------------------- # Send command to engine sock = comm.send_and_receive_socket(cmd) msg = comm.recv_string(sock) # ------------------------------------------- # Make sure everything went well, receive data # and close connection if msg != "Found!": sock.close() comm.engine_exception_handler(msg) mat = comm.recv_boolean_matrix(sock) # ------------------------------------------- # Close connection, if necessary. sock.close() # ------------------------------------------- return mat.ravel()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def is_false(self): """Whether an entry is False - effectively inverts the Boolean column.""" return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="not", operand1=self, operand2=None, )
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def as_num(self): """Transforms the boolean column into a numerical column""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="boolean_as_num", operand1=self, operand2=None, )
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class StringColumn(_Column): """Handle for categorical data that is kept in the getML engine Args: name (str, optional): Name of the categorical column. role (str, optional): Role that the column plays. num (int, optional): Number of the column. df_name (str, optional): ``name`` instance variable of the :class:`` containing this column. Examples: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import as data import getml.engine as engine import as roles # ---------------- engine.set_project("examples") # ---------------- # Create a data frame from a JSON string json_str = \"\"\"{ "names": ["patrick", "alex", "phil", "ulrike"], "column_01": [2.4, 3.0, 1.2, 1.4], "join_key": ["0", "1", "2", "3"], "time_stamp": ["2019-01-01", "2019-01-02", "2019-01-03", "2019-01-04"] }\"\"\" my_df = data.DataFrame( "MY DF", roles={ "unused_string": ["names", "join_key", "time_stamp"], "unused_float": ["column_01"]} ).read_json( json_str ) # ---------------- col1 = my_df["names"] # ---------------- col2 = col1.substr(4, 3) my_df.add(col2, "short_names", roles.categorical) # ---------------- # If you do not explicitly set a role, # the assigned role will either be # roles.unused_string. col3 = "user-" + col1 + "-" + col2 my_df["new_names"] = col3 my_df.set_role("new_names", roles.categorical) """ _num_columns = 0 def __init__(self, name="", role="categorical", num=0, df_name=""): super(StringColumn, self).__init__() StringColumn._num_columns += 1 if name == "": name = "StringColumn " + str(StringColumn._num_columns) self.thisptr = dict() self.thisptr["df_name_"] = df_name self.thisptr["name_"] = name self.thisptr["role_"] = role self.thisptr["type_"] = "StringColumn"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class VirtualStringColumn: """ Handle to a (lazily evaluated) virtual string column. Virtual columns do not actually exist - they will be lazily evaluated when necessary. Examples: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import as data import getml.engine as engine import as roles # ---------------- engine.set_project("examples") # ---------------- # Create a data frame from a JSON string json_str = \"\"\"{ "names": ["patrick", "alex", "phil", "ulrike"], "column_01": [2.4, 3.0, 1.2, 1.4], "join_key": ["0", "1", "2", "3"], "time_stamp": ["2019-01-01", "2019-01-02", "2019-01-03", "2019-01-04"] }\"\"\" my_df = data.DataFrame( "MY DF", roles={ "unused_string": ["names", "join_key", "time_stamp"], "unused_float": ["column_01"]} ).read_json( json_str ) # ---------------- col1 = my_df["names"] # ---------------- # col2 is a virtual column. # The substring operation is not # executed yet. col2 = col1.substr(4, 3) # This is where the engine executes # the substring operation. my_df.add(col2, "short_names", roles.categorical) # ---------------- # If you do not explicitly set a role, # the assigned role will either be # roles.unused_string. # col3 is a virtual column. # The operation is not # executed yet. col3 = "user-" + col1 + "-" + col2 # This is where the operation is # is executed. my_df["new_names"] = col3 my_df.set_role("new_names", roles.categorical) """ def __init__(self, df_name, operator, operand1, operand2): self.thisptr = dict() self.thisptr["df_name_"] = df_name self.thisptr["type_"] = "VirtualStringColumn" self.thisptr["operator_"] = operator if operand1 is not None: self.thisptr["operand1_"] = self._parse_operand(operand1) if operand2 is not None: self.thisptr["operand2_"] = self._parse_operand(operand2) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parse_operand(self, operand): if isinstance(operand, str): return {"type_": "CategoricalValue", "value_": operand} if not hasattr(operand, "thisptr"): raise TypeError( """Operand for a VirtualStringColumn must be a string or a column!""" ) oper = self.thisptr["operator_"] optype = operand.thisptr["type_"] if oper == "as_str": wrong_coltype = optype not in [ "FloatColumn", "VirtualFloatColumn", "VirtualBooleanColumn", ] if wrong_coltype: raise TypeError( "This operator can only be applied to a FloatColumn or a BooleanColumn!" ) else: wrong_coltype = optype not in ["StringColumn", "VirtualStringColumn"] if wrong_coltype: raise TypeError("This operator can only be applied to a StringColumn!") return operand.thisptr
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class FloatColumn(_Column): """Handler for numerical data in the engine. This is a handler for all numerical data in the getML engine, including time stamps. Args: name (str, optional): Name of the categorical column. role (str, optional): Role that the column plays. num (int, optional): Number of the column. df_name (str, optional): ``name`` instance variable of the :class:`` containing this column. Examples: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import as data import getml.engine as engine import as roles # ---------------- engine.set_project("examples") # ---------------- # Create a data frame from a JSON string json_str = \"\"\"{ "names": ["patrick", "alex", "phil", "ulrike"], "column_01": [2.4, 3.0, 1.2, 1.4], "join_key": ["0", "1", "2", "3"], "time_stamp": ["2019-01-01", "2019-01-02", "2019-01-03", "2019-01-04"] }\"\"\" my_df = data.DataFrame( "MY DF", roles={ "unused_string": ["names", "join_key", "time_stamp"], "unused_float": ["column_01"]} ).read_json( json_str ) # ---------------- col1 = my_df["column_01"] # ---------------- col2 = 2.0 - col1 my_df.add(col2, "name", roles.numerical) # ---------------- # If you do not explicitly set a role, # the assigned role will either be # roles.unused_float. col3 = (col1 + 2.0*col2) / 3.0 my_df["column_03"] = col3 my_df.set_role("column_03", roles.numerical) """ _num_columns = 0 def __init__(self, name="", role="numerical", num=0, df_name=""): super(FloatColumn, self).__init__() FloatColumn._num_columns += 1 if name == "": name = "FloatColumn " + str(FloatColumn._num_columns) self.thisptr = dict() self.thisptr["df_name_"] = df_name self.thisptr["name_"] = name self.thisptr["role_"] = role self.thisptr["type_"] = "FloatColumn"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class VirtualFloatColumn: """ Handle to a (lazily evaluated) virtual float column. Virtual columns do not actually exist - they will be lazily evaluated when necessary. """ def __init__(self, df_name, operator, operand1, operand2): self.thisptr = dict() self.thisptr["df_name_"] = df_name self.thisptr["type_"] = "VirtualFloatColumn" self.thisptr["operator_"] = operator if operand1 is not None: self.thisptr["operand1_"] = self._parse_operand(operand1) if operand2 is not None: self.thisptr["operand2_"] = self._parse_operand(operand2) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _parse_operand(self, operand): if isinstance(operand, numbers.Number): return {"type_": "Value", "value_": operand} if isinstance(operand, np.datetime64): val = np.datetime64(operand).astype("datetime64[s]").astype(np.float) return {"type_": "Value", "value_": val} if not hasattr(operand, "thisptr"): raise TypeError( """Operand for a VirtualFloatColumn must be a number or a column!""" ) special_ops = ["as_num", "as_ts", "boolean_as_num"] oper = self.thisptr["operator_"] optype = operand.thisptr["type_"] if oper not in special_ops: wrong_coltype = optype not in ["FloatColumn", "VirtualFloatColumn"] if wrong_coltype: raise TypeError("This operator can only be applied to a FloatColumn!") if oper in special_ops and oper != "boolean_as_num": wrong_coltype = optype not in ["StringColumn", "VirtualStringColumn"] if wrong_coltype: raise TypeError("This operator can only be applied to a StringColumn!") if oper == "boolean_as_num" and optype != "VirtualBooleanColumn": raise TypeError("This operator can only be applied to a BooleanColumn!") return operand.thisptr
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Formatting VirtualFloatColumn._format = _Column._format VirtualBooleanColumn._format = _Column._format VirtualStringColumn._format = _Column._format VirtualFloatColumn._collect_footer_data = _Column._collect_footer_data VirtualBooleanColumn._collect_footer_data = _Column._collect_footer_data VirtualStringColumn._collect_footer_data = _Column._collect_footer_data # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _abs(self): """Compute absolute value.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="abs", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.abs = _abs VirtualFloatColumn.abs = _abs # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _acos(self): """Compute arc cosine.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="acos", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.acos = _acos VirtualFloatColumn.acos = _acos # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add(self, other): if ( isinstance(other, StringColumn) or isinstance(other, VirtualStringColumn) or isinstance(other, str) ): return self.as_str() + other return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="plus", operand1=self, operand2=other ) def _radd(self, other): if ( isinstance(other, StringColumn) or isinstance(other, VirtualStringColumn) or isinstance(other, str) ): return other + self.as_str() return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="plus", operand1=other, operand2=self ) FloatColumn.__add__ = _add FloatColumn.__radd__ = _radd VirtualFloatColumn.__add__ = _add VirtualFloatColumn.__radd__ = _radd # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _alias(self, alias): """ Adds an alias to the column. This is useful for joins. Args: alias (str): The name of the column as it should appear in the new DataFrame. """ col = copy.deepcopy(self) col.thisptr["as_"] = alias return col StringColumn.alias = _alias FloatColumn.alias = _alias # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _assert_equal(self, alias="new_column"): """ ASSERT EQUAL aggregation. Throws an exception unless all values inserted into the aggregation are equal. Args: alias (str): Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "assert_equal") FloatColumn.assert_equal = _assert_equal VirtualFloatColumn.assert_equal = _assert_equal # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _asin(self): """Compute arc sine.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="asin", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.asin = _asin VirtualFloatColumn.asin = _asin # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _atan(self): """Compute arc tangent.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="atan", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.atan = _atan VirtualFloatColumn.atan = _atan # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _avg(self, alias="new_column"): """ AVG aggregation. Args: alias (str): Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "avg") FloatColumn.avg = _avg VirtualFloatColumn.avg = _avg # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cbrt(self): """Compute cube root.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="cbrt", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.cbrt = _cbrt VirtualFloatColumn.cbrt = _cbrt # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _ceil(self): """Round up value.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="ceil", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.ceil = _ceil VirtualFloatColumn.ceil = _ceil # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _to_str(col): if isinstance(col, StringColumn) or isinstance(col, VirtualStringColumn): return col if ( isinstance(col, FloatColumn) or isinstance(col, VirtualFloatColumn) or isinstance(col, VirtualBooleanColumn) ): return col.as_str() return str(col) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _concat(self, other): return VirtualStringColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="concat", operand1=self, operand2=_to_str(other), ) def _rconcat(self, other): return VirtualStringColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="concat", operand1=_to_str(other), operand2=self, ) StringColumn.__add__ = _concat StringColumn.__radd__ = _rconcat VirtualStringColumn.__add__ = _concat VirtualStringColumn.__radd__ = _rconcat # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _contains(self, other): """ Returns a boolean column indicating whether a string or column entry is contained in the corresponding entry of the other column. """ return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="contains", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) StringColumn.contains = _contains VirtualStringColumn.contains = _contains # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _cos(self): """Compute cosine.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="cos", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.cos = _cos VirtualFloatColumn.cos = _cos # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _count(self, alias="new_column"): """ COUNT aggregation. Args: alias (str): Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "count") FloatColumn.count = _count VirtualFloatColumn.count = _count # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _count_categorical(self, alias="new_column"): """ COUNT aggregation. Args: alias (str): Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "count_categorical") StringColumn.count = _count_categorical VirtualStringColumn.count = _count_categorical # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _count_distinct(self, alias="new_column"): """ COUNT DISTINCT aggregation. Args: alias (str): Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "count_distinct") StringColumn.count_distinct = _count_distinct VirtualStringColumn.count_distinct = _count_distinct # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _day(self): """Extract day (of the month) from a time stamp. If the column is numerical, that number will be interpreted as the number of days since epoch time (January 1, 1970). """ return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="day", operand1=self, operand2=None ) = _day = _day # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _eq(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="equal_to", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) FloatColumn.__eq__ = _eq VirtualFloatColumn.__eq__ = _eq StringColumn.__eq__ = _eq VirtualStringColumn.__eq__ = _eq # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _erf(self): """Compute error function.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="erf", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.erf = _erf VirtualFloatColumn.erf = _erf # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _exp(self): """Compute exponential function.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="exp", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.exp = _exp VirtualFloatColumn.exp = _exp # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _floor(self): """Round down value.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="floor", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.floor = _floor VirtualFloatColumn.floor = _floor # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _gamma(self): """Compute gamma function.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="tgamma", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) FloatColumn.gamma = _gamma VirtualFloatColumn.gamma = _gamma # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _ge(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="greater_equal", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) FloatColumn.__ge__ = _ge VirtualFloatColumn.__ge__ = _ge # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _gt(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="greater", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) FloatColumn.__gt__ = _gt VirtualFloatColumn.__gt__ = _gt # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _hour(self): """Extract hour (of the day) from a time stamp. If the column is numerical, that number will be interpreted as the number of days since epoch time (January 1, 1970). """ return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="hour", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.hour = _hour VirtualFloatColumn.hour = _hour # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _is_inf(self): """Determine whether the value is infinite.""" return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="is_inf", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) FloatColumn.is_inf = _is_inf VirtualFloatColumn.is_inf = _is_inf # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _is_nan(self): """Determine whether the value is nan.""" return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="is_nan", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) FloatColumn.is_nan = _is_nan VirtualFloatColumn.is_nan = _is_nan FloatColumn.is_null = _is_nan VirtualFloatColumn.is_null = _is_nan # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _is_null(self): """Determine whether the value is NULL.""" return self == "NULL" StringColumn.is_null = _is_null VirtualStringColumn.is_null = _is_null # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _le(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="less_equal", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) FloatColumn.__le__ = _le VirtualFloatColumn.__le__ = _le # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _length(self): """The length of the column. This is identical to the result of the nrows() method of the DataFrame containing this column. Alternatively, you can call len(...). """ # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Build and send JSON command cmd = dict() cmd["type_"] = "DataFrame.nrows" cmd["name_"] = self.thisptr["df_name_"] sock = comm.send_and_receive_socket(cmd) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Make sure model exists on getml engine msg = comm.recv_string(sock) if msg != "Found!": sock.close() comm.engine_exception_handler(msg) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Receive number of rows from getml engine nrows = comm.recv_string(sock) # ------------------------------------------------------------ sock.close() return np.int32(nrows) # ------------------------------------------------------------ VirtualBooleanColumn.__len__ = _length VirtualFloatColumn.__len__ = _length VirtualStringColumn.__len__ = _length FloatColumn.__len__ = _length StringColumn.__len__ = _length # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def _length_property(self): """ The length of the column (number of rows in the data frame). """ return len(self) VirtualBooleanColumn.length = _length_property VirtualFloatColumn.length = _length_property VirtualStringColumn.length = _length_property FloatColumn.length = _length_property StringColumn.length = _length_property # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _lgamma(self): """Compute log-gamma function.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="lgamma", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) FloatColumn.lgamma = _lgamma VirtualFloatColumn.lgamma = _lgamma # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _log(self): """Compute natural logarithm.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="log", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.log = _log VirtualFloatColumn.log = _log # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _lt(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="less", operand1=self, operand2=other ) FloatColumn.__lt__ = _lt VirtualFloatColumn.__lt__ = _lt # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _max(self, alias="new_column"): """ MAX aggregation. Args: alias (str): Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "max") FloatColumn.max = _max VirtualFloatColumn.max = _max # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _median(self, alias="new_column"): """ MEDIAN aggregation. **alias**: Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "median") FloatColumn.median = _median VirtualFloatColumn.median = _median # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _min(self, alias="new_column"): """ MIN aggregation. **alias**: Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "min") FloatColumn.min = _min VirtualFloatColumn.min = _min # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _minute(self): """Extract minute (of the hour) from a time stamp. If the column is numerical, that number will be interpreted as the number of days since epoch time (January 1, 1970). """ return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="minute", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) FloatColumn.minute = _minute VirtualFloatColumn.minute = _minute # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _mod(self, other): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="fmod", operand1=self, operand2=other ) def _rmod(self, other): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="fmod", operand1=other, operand2=self ) FloatColumn.__mod__ = _mod FloatColumn.__rmod__ = _rmod VirtualFloatColumn.__mod__ = _mod VirtualFloatColumn.__rmod__ = _rmod # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _month(self): """ Extract month from a time stamp. If the column is numerical, that number will be interpreted as the number of days since epoch time (January 1, 1970). """ return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="month", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.month = _month VirtualFloatColumn.month = _month # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _mul(self, other): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="multiplies", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) FloatColumn.__mul__ = _mul FloatColumn.__rmul__ = _mul VirtualFloatColumn.__mul__ = _mul VirtualFloatColumn.__rmul__ = _mul # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _ne(self, other): return VirtualBooleanColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="not_equal_to", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) FloatColumn.__ne__ = _ne VirtualFloatColumn.__ne__ = _ne StringColumn.__ne__ = _ne VirtualStringColumn.__ne__ = _ne # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _neg(self): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="multiplies", operand1=self, operand2=-1.0, ) FloatColumn.__neg__ = _neg VirtualFloatColumn.__neg__ = _neg # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _pow(self, other): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="pow", operand1=self, operand2=other ) def _rpow(self, other): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="pow", operand1=other, operand2=self ) FloatColumn.__pow__ = _pow FloatColumn.__rpow__ = _rpow VirtualFloatColumn.__pow__ = _pow VirtualFloatColumn.__rpow__ = _rpow # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _repr(self): formatted = self._format() footer = self._collect_footer_data() return formatted._render_string(footer=footer) FloatColumn.__repr__ = _repr VirtualFloatColumn.__repr__ = _repr StringColumn.__repr__ = _repr VirtualStringColumn.__repr__ = _repr VirtualBooleanColumn.__repr__ = _repr # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _repr_html(self): formatted = self._format() footer = self._collect_footer_data() return formatted._render_html(footer=footer) FloatColumn._repr_html_ = _repr_html VirtualFloatColumn._repr_html_ = _repr_html StringColumn._repr_html_ = _repr_html VirtualStringColumn._repr_html_ = _repr_html VirtualBooleanColumn._repr_html_ = _repr_html # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _round(self): """Round to nearest.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="round", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.round = _round VirtualFloatColumn.round = _round # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _second(self): """Extract second (of the minute) from a time stamp. If the column is numerical, that number will be interpreted as the number of days since epoch time (January 1, 1970). """ return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="second", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) FloatColumn.second = _second VirtualFloatColumn.second = _second # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sin(self): """Compute sine.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="sin", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.sin = _sin VirtualFloatColumn.sin = _sin # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sqrt(self): """Compute square root.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="sqrt", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.sqrt = _sqrt VirtualFloatColumn.sqrt = _sqrt # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _stddev(self, alias="new_column"): """ STDDEV aggregation. Args: alias (str): Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "stddev") FloatColumn.stddev = _stddev VirtualFloatColumn.stddev = _stddev # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sub(self, other): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="minus", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) def _rsub(self, other): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="minus", operand1=other, operand2=self, ) FloatColumn.__sub__ = _sub FloatColumn.__rsub__ = _rsub VirtualFloatColumn.__sub__ = _sub VirtualFloatColumn.__rsub__ = _rsub # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _substr(self, begin, length): """ Return a substring for every element in the column. Args: begin (int): First position of the original string. length (int): Length of the extracted string. """ col = VirtualStringColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="substr", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) col.thisptr["begin_"] = begin col.thisptr["len_"] = length return col StringColumn.substr = _substr VirtualStringColumn.substr = _substr # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sum(self, alias="new_column"): """ SUM aggregation. Args: alias (str): Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "sum") FloatColumn.sum = _sum VirtualFloatColumn.sum = _sum # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _tan(self): """Compute tangent.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="tan", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.tan = _tan VirtualFloatColumn.tan = _tan # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _as_num(self): """Transforms a categorical column to a numerical column.""" return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="as_num", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) StringColumn.as_num = _as_num VirtualStringColumn.as_num = _as_num # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _to_numpy(self, sock=None): """ Transform column to numpy array Args: sock (optional): Socket connecting the Python API with the getML engine. """ # ------------------------------------------- # Build command string cmd = dict() cmd["name_"] = self.thisptr["df_name_"] cmd["type_"] = "FloatColumn.get" cmd["col_"] = self.thisptr # ------------------------------------------- # Establish communication with getml engine if sock is None: sock2 = comm.send_and_receive_socket(cmd) else: sock2 = sock comm.send_string(sock2, json.dumps(cmd)) msg = comm.recv_string(sock2) # ------------------------------------------- # Make sure everything went well, receive data # and close connection if msg != "Found!": sock2.close() comm.engine_exception_handler(msg) mat = comm.recv_matrix(sock2) # ------------------------------------------- # Close connection. if sock is None: sock2.close() # ------------------------------------------- # If this is a time stamp, then transform to # pd.Timestamp. if self.thisptr["type_"] == "FloatColumn": if self.thisptr["role_"] == "time_stamp": shape = mat.shape mat = [ np.datetime64(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts)) for ts in mat.ravel() ] mat = np.asarray(mat) mat.reshape(shape[0], shape[1]) # ------------------------------------------- return mat.ravel() # ------------------------------------------- FloatColumn.to_numpy = _to_numpy VirtualFloatColumn.to_numpy = _to_numpy # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _to_numpy_categorical(self, sock=None): """ Transform column to numpy array Args: sock (optional): Socket connecting the Python API with the getML engine. """ # ------------------------------------------- # Build command string cmd = dict() cmd["name_"] = self.thisptr["df_name_"] cmd["type_"] = "StringColumn.get" cmd["col_"] = self.thisptr # ------------------------------------------- # Send command to engine if sock is None: sock2 = comm.send_and_receive_socket(cmd) else: sock2 = sock comm.send_string(sock2, json.dumps(cmd)) msg = comm.recv_string(sock2) # ------------------------------------------- # Make sure everything went well, receive data # and close connection if msg != "Found!": sock2.close() comm.engine_exception_handler(msg) mat = comm.recv_categorical_matrix(sock2) # ------------------------------------------- # Close connection. if sock is None: sock2.close() # ------------------------------------------- return mat.ravel() StringColumn.to_numpy = _to_numpy_categorical VirtualStringColumn.to_numpy = _to_numpy_categorical # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _as_str(self): """Transforms column to a string.""" return VirtualStringColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="as_str", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) FloatColumn.as_str = _as_str VirtualFloatColumn.as_str = _as_str VirtualBooleanColumn.as_str = _as_str # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _as_ts(self, time_formats=None): """ Transforms a categorical column to a time stamp. Args: time_formats (str): Formats to be used to parse the time stamps. """ time_formats = time_formats or constants.TIME_FORMATS col = VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="as_ts", operand1=self, operand2=None ) col.thisptr["time_formats_"] = time_formats return col StringColumn.as_ts = _as_ts VirtualStringColumn.as_ts = _as_ts # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _truediv(self, other): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="divides", operand1=self, operand2=other, ) def _rtruediv(self, other): return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="divides", operand1=other, operand2=self, ) FloatColumn.__truediv__ = _truediv FloatColumn.__rtruediv__ = _rtruediv VirtualFloatColumn.__truediv__ = _truediv VirtualFloatColumn.__rtruediv__ = _rtruediv # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _update(self, condition, values): """ Returns an updated version of this column. All entries for which the corresponding **condition** is True, are updated using the corresponding entry in **values**. Args: condition (Boolean column): Condition according to which the update is done values: Values to update with """ col = VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="update", operand1=self, operand2=values, ) if condition.thisptr["type_"] != "VirtualBooleanColumn": raise TypeError("Condition for an update must be a Boolen column.") col.thisptr["condition_"] = condition.thisptr return col FloatColumn.update = _update VirtualFloatColumn.update = _update # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _update_categorical(self, condition, values): """ Returns an updated version of this column. All entries for which the corresponding **condition** is True, are updated using the corresponding entry in **values**. Args: condition (Boolean column): Condition according to which the update is done values: Values to update with """ col = VirtualStringColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="update", operand1=self, operand2=values, ) if condition.thisptr["type_"] != "VirtualBooleanColumn": raise TypeError("Condition for an update must be a Boolean column.") col.thisptr["condition_"] = condition.thisptr return col StringColumn.update = _update_categorical VirtualStringColumn.update = _update_categorical # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _var(self, alias="new_column"): """ VAR aggregation. Args: alias (str): Name for the new column. """ return Aggregation(alias, self, "var") FloatColumn.var = _var VirtualFloatColumn.var = _var # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _weekday(self): """Extract day of the week from a time stamp, Sunday being 0. If the column is numerical, that number will be interpreted as the number of days since epoch time (January 1, 1970). """ return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="weekday", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) FloatColumn.weekday = _weekday VirtualFloatColumn.weekday = _weekday # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _year(self): """ Extract year from a time stamp. If the column is numerical, that number will be interpreted as the number of days since epoch time (January 1, 1970). """ return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="year", operand1=self, operand2=None ) FloatColumn.year = _year VirtualFloatColumn.year = _year # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _yearday(self): """ Extract day of the year from a time stamp. If the column is numerical, that number will be interpreted as the number of days since epoch time (January 1, 1970). """ return VirtualFloatColumn( df_name=self.thisptr["df_name_"], operator="yearday", operand1=self, operand2=None, ) FloatColumn.yearday = _yearday VirtualFloatColumn.yearday = _yearday # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------