
Placeholder.set_relations(allow_lagged_targets=None, join_keys_used=None, horizon=None, relationship=None, memory=None, other_join_keys_used=None, time_stamps_used=None, other_time_stamps_used=None, upper_time_stamps_used=None, joined_tables=None)[source]

Set all relational instance variables not exposed in the constructor.

allow_lagged_targets (List[bool]): Whether we want to allow

lagged targets to be aggregated in the join.

join_keys_used (List[str]): Elements in

join_keys used to define the relations to the other tables provided in joined_tables.

horizon (List[float]): horizon of the join. Determines

the gap between time_stamp and other_time_stamp.

memory (List[float]): memory of the join. Determines

how much of the past data may be joined.

other_join_keys_used (List[str]): join_keys of the

Placeholder in joined_tables used to define a relation with the current instance. Note that the join_keys instance variable is not contained in the joined_tabled.

time_stamps_used (List[str]): Elements in time_stamps used

to define the relations to the other tables provided in joined_tables.

other_time_stamps_used (List[str]): time_stamps of the

Placeholder in joined_tables used to define a relation with the current instance. Note that the time_stamps instance variable is not contained in the joined_tabled.

upper_time_stamps_used (List[str]): time_stamps of the

Placeholder in joined_tables used as ‘upper_time_stamp’ to define a relation with the current instance. For details please see the join() method. Note that the time_stamps instance variable is not contained in the joined_tabled.

joined_tables (List[Placeholder]):

List of all other Placeholder the current instance is joined on.


TypeError: If any of the input arguments is of wrong type. ValueError: If the input arguments are not of same length.